Friday, June 13, 2008

Why I think Twitter is a must have in an Entrepreneur's tool box...

There has been a lot of noise going around about Twitter's downtime and such. Although it is annoying to be using an application that's sometimes unstable, I am going to focus on the positives of this product instead.

For those of you who are not familiar with Twitter, it is a micro-blogging web application that has social networking features built-in. Each entry has a limit of 140 characters. The contents of these entries are usually about what the author is doing at the moment or links of articles and blogs that he/she feels is worthy of sharing. You can also reply to authors and have short conversation through this micro-blogging scheme. Your feed consists of your own entries as well as other authors who you friend or in Twitter terms, "follow."

Or as Twitter's homepage puts it:

"Twitter is a service for friends, family, and co–workers to communicate and stay connected through the exchange of quick, frequent answers to one simple question: What are you doing?"

These are a few reasons why I think Twitter is important for me as an entrepreneur:

1. I meet interesting people that are experts in all different fields to fill in on what I lack in knowledge.
2. I get a feed of interesting reads that were filtered by people that I think highly of.
3. I get an aggregated view of my friend's and business contact's activities in a much more efficient way than to keep in constant contact with them individually.
4. It drives traffic to my blog. ;)

All in all, it's just a great way for information exchange which helps you stay on top of the latest and greatest; something that every entrepreneur should thrive for. So if you haven't given Twitter a chance yet, maybe you should. =)