Wednesday, July 30, 2008

GetHundos Launched!

It's been a crazy month and things will continue to be crazy until mid August when I wrap up some of my heavy engagements which means I will continue to be bad at updating this blog. I apologize in advance for that. On that note, here's something that I felt was important enough to squeeze in amidst my crazy schedule:

After months of hard work by my good friends Leo, Adam, and their team plus a round of diligent alpha testing by their close friends and investors, beta has finally launched! =) I am very excited for them and the site has already gained quite a bit of traction with their first target audiences at the University of Washington. For now, only users with a e-mail address can register through their site or any other .edu address if you are invited by a Washington friend. However, if any of you who don't have a .edu address and would still like to give this site a run for its money, just give me a shout and I'll hook you up with an account! ;)

So what's this site all about? Well, looks like someone has already beat me to announcing their launch and did a very good job of describing the site so here it is:

GetHundos Targets UW Students With Themed Contests

Congrats to the GetHundos team! Keep up the good work! =)

Update [10-12-2009]: GetHundos has evolved into Cheddr Media about half a year or so ago. You can also find them on Twitter: @cheddrmedia =)