Friday, April 11, 2008

The End of Microsoft?

According to Venture Beat, Gartner did a presentation recently on "why they think Microsoft’s Windows operating system is on the verge of dying." If they are right, it will be an interesting day to see when a bunch of regular non-techie users are running around with OS X and Linux regardless of the purpose of usage. ;) Unfortunately, I don't think it will be that easy. I have a hard time believing that the Redmond software giant hasn't already put their brightest minds on strategically digging themselves out of this Vista hole that they are currently in. On top of that, there's MS Office and Exchange that most businesses cannot live with out. I mean, even though I am an opensource enthusiast, I still wouldn't replace Exchange in a corporate environment as exciting as some of the opensource alternatives are out there. Nonetheless, I think Gartner has an interesting theory and I am definitely not denying the possibility of that things will eventually go the way they predict. After all, what goes up, must go down right?