Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Facebook Chat Part 2

Looks like Facebook has fully launched chat and I have been hearing a lot of feedback from FB users around me. Although a lot of them were negative like I suspected, there were still some good feedback and I personally thought that the new bar that chat sits in is pretty nice. I can now check the latest notifications through this little AJAX bar without having to navigate away from the homepage. That's something that I think is a good improvement in FB's usability. I am also not as opposed to having chat around anymore since it's not obtrusive at all. All in all, I think it's nicely done. However, with all that said, I am still skeptical on how successful this feature will be. I guess we'll just have to let time do its magic.

I would love to hear more on what everyone thinks of this new feature. =)


Brendan said...

Since chat appeared on my profile, I've noticed a major lag in performance when I open up a ton of tabs. Even when I sign out. I think there's quite a bit of new JavaScript magic that they're doing here, and it totally breaks the way that I normally use Facebook.

Jeremy Cheng - "An opinionated young professional" said...

Hey Bren,

I just started thinking, are you using IE7?